As a practice manager, I’ve seen countless business challenges for my four-doctor practice over the past several months in response to COVID-19. I’m sure you’ve experienced much...

As a practice manager, I’ve seen countless business challenges for my four-doctor practice over the past several months in response to COVID-19. I’m sure you’ve experienced much...
When COVID-19 started hitting the New York area hard, we weren’t sure how Long Island Bird and Exotics Veterinary Clinic would be affected. Would people continue to want to bring...
Unprecedented times, periods of upheaval and tumultuous change, valleys of hardship that we think will exist indefinitely — not to start this off on such a grim note but let’s...
Just a few short weeks ago, I was spending my days working on long-term exit strategy planning for my practice owner and myself about five or six years out. I was fretting about...
In uncertain times, we often look for things that we can predict or control. As things constantly change in the world, and certainly within veterinary practices, it’s important...
We know that running a successful practice is challenging even under the best circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our industry — our community — and it can feel...