Since March, our lives have been turned upside down by the events associated with COVID-19. Of all the extremely stressful and frustrating side effects this experience has had on...

Since March, our lives have been turned upside down by the events associated with COVID-19. Of all the extremely stressful and frustrating side effects this experience has had on...
COVID-19 forced many veterinary practices to pivot in terms of how to operate and where to invest time and resources. Rotating staff, curbside service, and telehealth are...
It’s “COVID times,” and your team is stretched thin—they’re running back and forth to the parking lot, making and receiving countless phone calls each day, and trying to juggle...
Being a vet tech is hard during the best of times, let alone during a global pandemic. Not only are they on their feet all day caring for critters, they’re now doing it all with...
Three months into quarantine and three years of constant requests from our son, we finally said yes to a puppy — that’s right, a pandemic puppy. We welcomed Chilly, the cutest...
When COVID-19 started hitting the New York area hard, we weren’t sure how Long Island Bird and Exotics Veterinary Clinic would be affected. Would people continue to want to bring...