Enhance your pet’s lifespan

by By Vetsource

3 min read

We all want our furry friends to live long, happy lives. Check out these few simple tips to ensure she’s by your side for years to come.


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    Maintain a healthy weight

    Keeping your dog or cat trim can extend her life and prevent obesity-related diseases, like heart disease, diabetes, and osteoarthritis. There are several methods for assessing whether your pet is underweight, overweight, or falls somewhere in the middle. Consult a veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s weight or need nutrition recommendations.

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    Schedule regular checkups

    Pets are good at hiding illnesses, which is why regular checkups are so important. A thorough exam conducted by a veterinarian can detect preventable diseases and uncover early signs of serious diseases. Your pet’s prognosis is better when an illness is caught and treated early.

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    Get daily exercise

    Getting in regular workouts improves circulation and strengthens muscles. It also has an added benefit of helping your pet maintain a healthy weight. Take regular walks, go swimming, or try an indoor activity like hide-and-seek or tug of war.

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    Take a year-round preventative

    Keep your pet pest-free with flea, tick, and heartworm preventatives. Flea infestations, tick-borne illnesses, and heartworm disease lead to a variety of health issues and can even be deadly. Prevention is the best medicine, so be sure to talk with a vet for their recommendation.




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