The pet industry is booming in the United States and pet owners are spending more than ever. This translates into an amazing opportunity for veterinary practitioners looking to...

The pet industry is booming in the United States and pet owners are spending more than ever. This translates into an amazing opportunity for veterinary practitioners looking to...
When COVID-19 hit, it changed the way our veterinary teams practice medicine, treat patients, and communicate with clients, with the latter a particular challenge during these...
Welcome Vet2Pet into the Vetsource family After acquiring a majority position, we are proud to welcome Vet2Pet into the Vetsource family of companies. Vet2Pet joins our other...
Approximately a year ago, I — an associate veterinarian at a 15-doctor practice — approached my boss about starting telemedicine (now calling it telehealth, like all the cool...
Whether you love or hate technology may not matter at this point in history. Recent events are forcing veterinarians to jump off the telemedicine cliff as practices are faced...