We hear a lot about the importance of practicing “best medicine.” Conceptually, many of us would agree that practicing best medicine is, in fact, best. Even so, the question...
Vetsource blog
Veterinary Data
6 reasons why working with data can be hard
There are no two ways about it. Working with data isn't easy. Within the veterinary industry, there’s a lot of talk about practice data and a number of misconceptions as well....
Comparing and understanding veterinary practice reports
When it comes to understanding how well your veterinary practice is doing, the more data you can feast your eyes on, the better. That said, it’s important that you not only look...
Understanding the data visualization of your practice data
Bless the University of North Carolina Charlotte. They have an entire department called The Charlotte Visualization Center in their college of computing and informatics that...
Unlock the power of your data with a focus on five key indicators
Big data — it’s a buzzword in the corporate world these days, veterinary medicine included. Especially with the increasing corporatization of the veterinary profession, it is...
How to measure your veterinary practice’s success with a simple calculation
In "One of the most important numbers when measuring veterinary practice success," we used an analogy to explain that "net change in active patients" is like your bank balance —...