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Pet Owners

Keep your pet happy and heartworm-free

Keep your pet happy and heartworm-free

While most pet owners are aware of the importance of protecting their pets from fleas and ticks, many may not know how dangerous heartworms can be. Heartworm disease is a serious...

5 common items that are poisonous for your pet

5 common items that are poisonous for your pet

Each year during Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month in March, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center releases a list of the top toxins ingested by pets. This makes it the...

13 flea facts that will gross you out

13 flea facts that will gross you out

These tiny pests take “icky” to a whole new level. From blood gorging to disease transmission, read on for gross facts you probably never wanted to know about fleas!...

3 reasons why your pet needs a yearly dental checkup

3 reasons why your pet needs a yearly dental checkup

A dental checkup isn’t just about maintaining your pet’s pearly whites and making his breath smell good. It also keeps your pet healthy and prevents disease. Read on to learn why...

Bad pet breath: What you need to know

Bad pet breath: What you need to know

Let’s face it: Your dog or cat’s breath is never going to smell like roses. But unusual or bad breath could be a sign of something serious. Read on to learn about common causes...

What’s that pet part called?

What’s that pet part called?

The names of many pet parts are the same as humans (think pelvis, scapula, and femur), but there are a handful that are unique to animals. Check them out! apron (or frill): chest...


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