It’s no secret for those in the veterinary industry, practice management software data, aka PIMS data, can get very messy. It’s far too easy to end up with lots of different...
Vetsource blog
Veterinary Data
Growth planning: See the clever way one practice achieved a 22% growth in active canine patients in 12 months
It had been a tough year for this practice. It began with some shake-ups on the team. This resulted in a wave of hiring and training—a time-consuming albeit important task. The...
How to choose the right KPIs – Gathering the right information, making decisions, and solving problems all depend on asking the right questions
When I ask someone how their practice is performing and which metrics they look at regularly to assess their performance, I typically hear the same set of KPIs. Revenue, new...
Effective inventory management – Discover the secrets to marking up your parasiticide inventory for maximum profitability
My first swim into the deep end of the management pool was as an inventory manager. Over the years I keep coming back to the principles of effective inventory management again...
Is your practice truly growing? The number of new clients won’t tell you the whole story (Are you looking at your active patients?)
One of the most important KPIs you should be tracking in your practice is the “net change in active patients” metric. It is a performance measurement that is not readily...
How to use key performance indicators to boost bottom line and provide exceptional patient care
Measuring your practice’s success in terms of revenue, compliance and return on investment are just a few areas that indicate how your practice is performing. In order to move...