Veterinary Group Solutions

Use your data to unlock your group’s potential

Your veterinary group’s success relies on a delicate balance of timely business intelligence and thoughtful innovation. The data experts at Vetsource are here to help.

Vetsource provides business intelligence to 30+ veterinary groups

We’ve perfected the art and science of interpreting complex data, regardless of source.

Practice managers and owners need business diagnostics for their practices, just like veterinarians need laboratory diagnostics for their patients.

—Brenda Tassava, CVPM, practice management consultant

Secure integration

Make the most of your data with secure integration

SyncVet™ is Vetsource’s secure internal data integration tool — think of it as the data highway that safely allows veterinary business services to run smoothly.

With your permission, SyncVet organizes a copy of practice data in external databases and securely shares that data only with approved partners to power select services.

  • Save time and reduce errors with SyncVet’s ability to read and write data within your practice information management software (PIMS).
  • SyncVet adheres to industry-standard security protocols. Security and transparency of data usage are critical components to SyncVet’s overarching philosophy of maintaining integrity and trust.
  • Your practice’s data belongs to you, and we are committed to being good stewards of that data at all times.
What does SyncVet do?

SyncVet enables data read/write capabilities with practice management systems. 

What is data read/write ability?
Read is the ability to detect and pull data from practice management systems. Write is the ability to record specific data back into practice management system databases.
Is SyncVet safe?
Yes. SyncVet adheres to industry-standard security protocols to maintain data integrity and privacy. We believe data belongs to practices and transparency of data usage is critical.
How is data used to power services?
With practice permission, SyncVet organizes a copy of practice data in external databases and securely shares that data with practice-approved partners to power select services. This fully connected system of information ensures the best client experience possible. For example, when a pet is marked as deceased in your practice management software, SyncVet instructs Vetsource to cancel future auto-shipments and pet owner emails.
Will I notice any changes in my practice management software or services when I switch to SyncVet?
SyncVet is designed to operate transparently in the background and not impact the performance of your practice management system or your computer network. Because SyncVet provides timely access to accurate data, you may notice increased stability within your vendor services that are powered by SyncVet. Additionally, where write capabilities are appropriate and supported, you’ll gain improved visibility since client interactions and transactions will be posted back to your practice management system.
What support do you offer for SyncVet?
A dedicated SyncVet support team is available to answer any questions. You can email [email protected] or call (866) 408-8554, and select option 5.

Power your practice with integration

Vetsource's prescription management, payment processing, and data solutions integrate with many of the most popular practice information management systems (PIMS), including Avimark, Cornerstone, Vetspire, and more.

Reach out to see how our integration options can help your business streamline operations.

Normalized data

Standardize your veterinary data for more consistent reporting

With Vetsource’s proprietary data normalization service, you get consistent metrics across all of your practices, without having to switch practice management systems.

We make data comparison possible

Behind-the-scenes, accurate code categorization is what enables aggregated, high-level reporting across all your practices. Imagine having the ability to roll up all of your practices’ data while also having the ability to drill down into specific categories. It’s an analyst’s dream.

Veterinary practice data is messy, but we’re able to make sense of it by assigning each revenue transaction to the appropriate categories, regardless of what each individual practice uses for software, item code, or description.

Easily and accurately compare dentals and surgeries across multiple practices regardless of differing practice management software. 250 unique revenue categories enable granular insights, with revenue also aligned to the AAHA/VMG Chart of Accounts.

Our detailed mapping process follows a hierarchical category structure and utilizes code tags, which means that every transaction across all of your practices is accounted for and able to be reported on.

Top-level categories encompass all practice revenue, and each of these categories has subcategories, so you can drill all the way down to the product level.

How do we make sense of all that data?

We’re the best in the industry at understanding and organizing veterinary practice data, which enables us to provide accurate and easy-to-interpret metrics. Here’s how we do it.

1. Extract

First, we extract your data from your practice information management software (PIMS). If you don’t have a data extraction tool on your server already (many practices do for integrated lab services and client communication platforms), one will be installed on your server to provide us with the raw data. We also pull in Vetsource Prescription Management data for Vetsource customers and align purchases at the patient level.

2. Normalize

With all the various codes across thousands of practices, veterinary practice data can be messy. We’re able to make sense of it by assigning each revenue transaction in your practice management software to the appropriate categories, regardless of what you use for a software system, item code, or description. We use machine learning and a team of veterinary professionals to “map” the codes in your software, and we’re able to accurately map millions of codes in seconds.

3. Analyze

We analyze your practice data and present your key practice metrics in a clear, easy-to-understand format. We include trendlines so you can track your performance over time, and benchmarks so you can compare yourself against thousands of other practices.

4. Receive

Each month we send you an email with a link to your reports or dashboards. You can also log in and view your reports or dashboards any time through your dedicated portal. You can then download, save, or print with just one click.

One of the best things about working with Vetsource is that they grow with you. They’re always ready to meet our group’s needs, no matter what we throw at them.

—Jed Rogers, DVM, co-founder and CEO, Firehouse Animal Health Centers

Safe storage

Safely and securely store your veterinary data

Protect one of your group’s most important assets — your data — with secure data storage from the veterinary data experts.

We offer a secure online analytical processing (OLAP) data warehouse for your analysts to access 24/7 and query standardized practice data, without the hassle of extracting or updating it daily.

  • Streamline your IT investment.
  • Connect to your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.
  • Store additional data sources.
  • Create your own data structures.

Make it easy for your analysts to work with your data
Giving your analysts access to normalized practice data means they can hit the ground running to pull numbers and generate insights. You can create your own data structures or use those provided. You can also create custom views and functions with help from our comprehensive data dictionary.

Store your data with a company that understands the complexities
Veterinary data is complex, and organizing it securely can be challenging. With Vetsource, you have access to a fully managed, extensible, and highly available Snowflake data cloud warehouse cluster. You can even connect it to your ERP software and store additional data sources.

Protect your veterinary data with 3 key security features:


Data encryption

At all stages of transit and at rest, data is stored and transferred using industry-standard 256-bit SSL/TLS encryption.


Strict access control

We restrict who has access to your data to only those who are actively working on your custom data solutions.


Logging and tracking

Our robust logging and tracking system ensures that we know exactly who has accessed your data and when.

Clear analytics

Answer your group’s toughest questions with custom veterinary analytics

We eat, sleep, and breathe veterinary data. This relentless focus has solidified our expertise in data computation and visualization for corporate groups.

Deciding what data should be reviewed and how best to display it is key to avoiding data overload and analysis paralysis. Our team of veterinary professionals and data analysts will work with you to create the exact reports and dashboards your veterinary group needs to thrive.

  • Data is standardized regardless of practice information management system (PIMS).
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria behind each metric is carefully considered.
  • Consistent rules and definitions are applied across practices and PIMS.
  • Work with a veterinary data analyst to create custom analytics
    We’re happy wading through complex layers of data to glean the meaningful insights your group needs to stay on top of your business. With role-based dashboard customization, you’re in control of who gets access to which metrics within your organization.
  • Ensure your group’s various PIMS nuances are accounted for
    No two practices are exactly alike, especially when it comes to PIMS data. We’ll work with you to understand the nuances and make sure everything is accounted for in your custom dashboard, from discounts and adjustments to multiple departments within one practice.

Get aggregated, rolled-up reporting across all your practices

We make it easy to get the exact metrics your group needs without impacting the day-to-day operations of your practices. The possibilities are nearly endless. Here are a few examples:

  • Pre-acquisition reporting
  • Journal entries
  • Financials
  • Budget tracking
  • Appointments and patient activity
  • Compliance and production by provider
  • Top services and products
  • Pricing discrepancies
  • Projected pricing adjustment impact
  • Predictive inventory management

Ensure successful implementation with 3 key features:


Data validation

We’ll work closely with you and your team to validate the accuracy of each metric created for your dashboard and anytime you add a practice to your group.


Ample training

We’ll ensure that each member of your team, whether C-suite or manager, is trained on how to interpret your metrics to get the most out of your custom analytics.


Dedicated support

We’ll assign a dedicated account manager and data analyst to partner and collaborate with you as an extension of your business intelligence team.

Ready to put your veterinary group’s data to work?