Independent Practices

Veterinary reports and dashboards for better business management

We make sense of the data in your veterinary practice management software so you can get to your insights and opportunities faster.

Veterinary reporting and analytics made easy

Make informed, data-driven decisions for better practice management with our visually appealing, easy-to-interpret veterinary reports and dashboards.

After 35 years in the field, to have a product that gives me the metrics I need without fighting with my PIMS to get the data is PRICELESS, and you are very reasonably priced.

—Katy Joyce, CVT, hospital manager, Pond Point Animal Hospital

How do we make sense of all that data?

We’re the best in the industry at understanding and organizing veterinary practice data, which enables us to provide accurate and easy-to-interpret metrics. Here’s how we do it.

1. Extract

First, we extract your data from your practice information management software (PIMS). If you don’t have a data extraction tool on your server already (many practices do for integrated lab services and client communication platforms), one will be installed on your server to provide us with the raw data. We also pull in Vetsource Prescription Management data for Vetsource customers and align purchases at the patient level.

2. Normalize

With all the various codes across thousands of practices, veterinary practice data can be messy. We’re able to make sense of it by assigning each revenue transaction in your practice management software to the appropriate categories, regardless of what you use for a software system, item code, or description. We use machine learning and a team of veterinary professionals to “map” the codes in your software, and we’re able to accurately map millions of codes in seconds.

3. Analyze

We analyze your practice data and present your key practice metrics in a clear, easy-to-understand format. We include trendlines so you can track your performance over time, and benchmarks so you can compare yourself against thousands of other practices.

4. Receive

Each month we send you an email with a link to your reports or dashboards. You can also log in and view your reports or dashboards any time through your dedicated portal. You can then download, save, or print with just one click.

Practice Overview Report

Reclaim your time with automated veterinary practice reporting

Stop struggling to get data out of your practice management system and start enjoying an accurate monthly Practice Overview Report showing your most important metrics. Visually appealing veterinary reports delivered monthly mean you can spend less time pulling data and more time taking action on results.

Patient activity

Track the status of your clients and patients with multiple metrics aimed at providing a complete view of patient activity in your veterinary practice.


Many practices track new patients each month, but are you tracking lost patients as well? Similar to your bank account, your practice’s “patient balance” at the end of each month should be growing.


Are your active clients and patients trending up or down this year? And how does that compare to the previous 12 months? A negative net change indicates a shrinking patient and client base.


Looking at the number of invoices or average client transaction (ACT) may not answer these questions if you consider multiple visits from the same patient, retail purchases, pharmacy refills, and $0 services, like suture removals.

Easily compare the number of unique patients treated in your practice each month, and the average revenue earned from each unique patient.


Easily track and monitor your patients who are due for care and about to lapse.

A detailed breakdown shows lapsing and lapsed patients. An appendix listing client information for lapsed patients provides a clear path for taking action to get your clients back in your practice.


Improve the day-to-day management of your practice by easily monitoring your monthly revenue performance and trends with clear metrics, detailed breakdowns, and benchmarks.


Stay on top of your gross revenue trends and goals with clear metrics. Monitor gross revenue throughout the year and easily compare it to last year.

Gain a comprehensive view of Vetsource pharmacy revenue by reviewing in-practice and Vetsource revenue broken out by month and year to date.


Analyzing revenue earned in each service category gives you a clear understanding of what is actually happening in your practice.

Benchmarks for each category allow you to compare your performance against thousands of other practices nationally.


The industry-endorsed AAHA/VMG Chart of Accounts enables better benchmarking by standardizing revenue categories across all practices who adopt the classification system. And now instead of reclassifying every PIMS code, our data experts can do the heavy lifting for you.

Without changing a single code, we will align your revenue codes behind the scenes to the AAHA/VMG Chart of Accounts and then display your revenue metrics and benchmarks accordingly. Use the Chart of Accounts Appendix to review code classification and metrics, plus gauge revenue over time.

Customer experience

Monitor key aspects tied to customer satisfaction, such as forward-booking rate, bonding rate, bonding time, and even email addresses on file.


One of the best ways to ensure that your clients continue to come in regularly is to book their next appointment before they leave.

It’s no secret that what gets measured gets done. Use this metric to set goals with your staff to increase forward booking and report progress on a regular basis.


You’re tracking new clients each month, but are you counting how many of them return for a second visit? How do you know if you’re attracting the right new clients?

Ensure you’re on the right track by analyzing your bonding rate, the percentage of clients who return to your practice, and bonding time, the number of months it takes clients to return to your practice.

Compliance Tracker

Track patient compliance and take action

Compliance data is nearly impossible to pull from veterinary practice management systems, but it’s also one of the most important areas for practices to measure. That’s why the data experts at Vetsource developed the monthly Compliance Tracker, making it easy to monitor and coach doctors on all eight key areas.

  • Annual physical exam
  • Wellness bloodwork
  • Heartworm testing
  • Fecal testing
  • Core vaccines
  • Lifestyle vaccines
  • Parasiticide compliance
  • Dental prophylaxis


Each metric provides critical insight into whether your clients are following your preventative care recommendations.

On the very first page, you can filter your entire report by species, view your practice’s benchmark region, download and print your report, and download a Code Checker Appendix.


The Compliance Summary gives you a quick monthly overview of key compliance metrics, including regional benchmarks and year-over-year comparisons for annual exams, wellness bloodwork, fecal tests, and vaccines.

It’s also the perfect page to print and hang up for staff review, especially the provider superstar and monthly highlight sections.


Track current and prior year stats for canines and felines, plus benchmarks for multiple vaccines, tests, wellness bloodwork, dentals, and parasite coverage.

The two bonus actionable appendices — Patient Audit Appendix and Benchmark Numbers Appendix — will save you time and make it easy to reach out to non-compliant pet owners.


See how successful a doctor was at converting non-compliant canine and feline patients for each procedure during their appointments that month. You can filter by doctor, and then compare to the practice’s overall conversion rate.

View every doctor’s conversion rate for that month in one spreadsheet with the actionable All Doctor Breakdown Appendix.


View your top 5 doctors’ conversion rates by procedure, broken down by canine and feline. You can also filter by age range and procedure.

These are great for printing and displaying, especially if you’re running a contest or procedure push for providers.

Daily Dashboard

Stay on top of your practice’s business performance

Delivered in easy-to-interpret and interactive visuals, you can quickly monitor your practice’s key performance indicators and easily spot opportunities to address with your staff.

Catch trends, opportunities, and problems before they escalate with your own personalized Daily Dashboard.

With data that’s normalized (appropriately categorized and organized) and refreshed daily, you can monitor the health of your business without the hassle of pulling data from your practice management software.


Regain lapsing clients with automated emails

Maintaining your existing base is easier and less costly than attracting new clients. Let RETRIEVER™ simplify your veterinary email marketing with automated emails to clients whose pets are overdue for care.

I would strongly recommend RETRIEVER to any practice that’s interested in rescuing lapsing patients and clients and getting them back through the front door. The program pays for itself many times over.

—Ben Spinks, CVPM, Tipp City Veterinary Hospital

Simplify veterinary client communications

Using a sophisticated algorithm, RETRIEVER identifies patients who haven’t visited your practice in 14, 16, and 18 months, and automatically sends a series of three emails encouraging pet owners to book appointments.

  • Book now button in every email allows clients to request an appointment by emailing your practice.
  • “No Thanks” survey option lets clients provide a reason why they’re not making an appointment.
  • Monthly program performance report summarizes the number of pet owner emails sent, revenue generated, and patients retrieved.
  • Patient details spreadsheet shows the contact info for email recipients and highlights bounced emails in a monthly report appendix.
  • Professionally designed marketing takes care of testing subject lines, email copy, and images to maximize response rates and minimize headaches.

    According to Vetsource data from 2019, practices earn on average more than $8,000 in revenue from “retrieved” patients in 8 months. RETRIEVER pays for itself and helps increase retention by getting clients and patients back through your doors.

    Power your practice with integration

    Vetsource's prescription management, payment processing, and data solutions integrate with many of the most popular practice information management systems (PIMS), including Avimark, Cornerstone, Vetspire, and more.

    Reach out to see how our integration options can help your business streamline operations.

    Harness the power of your practice’s data

    Schedule time with one of our data experts to find out how Vetsource Data Services can help your veterinary practice thrive.