Sponsored by Elanco

One Step Ahead Protection Email Program

Effortlessly reach clients with an automated leptospirosis awareness campaign sponsored by Elanco.

How does the program work?

Educate clients on the importance of protecting dogs against leptospirosis, without lifting a finger.

Have timely, personalized emails sent on behalf of your practice to owners of dogs who are in need of a leptospirosis vaccine.

  • A sophisticated algorithm identifies patients who are in need of a lepto vaccine and haven’t recently been in for a visit.

  • Clients who do not already have an appointment scheduled for their pet will receive a series of up to two emails. Clients who do have an upcoming appointment will receive one email. If a client has multiple eligible pets, all pets will be included in the same email.

  • The emails educate clients on the importance of vaccinating and protecting their pets against this disease. They are easy to read and encourage clients to learn more or schedule an appointment.
  • With Vetsource executing this campaign, privacy is strictly upheld. Only your practice and Vetsource will have access to client information. Elanco will not have access to client information.

  • A monthly report will be provided showing how many emails were sent, which clients were emailed, and how much revenue was generated by vaccines from this campaign.

What do the emails look like?

Emails are personalized with pet and pet owner information, and addressed from your practice. Helping dog owners understand the risk of leptospirosis is not only healthy for your patients, but it’s also healthy for your business.

OSAP Lepto Email Example
OSAP Lepto Email Example

Effortlessly reach clients with an automated lepto awareness campaign sponsored by Elanco

Stay connected to clients proactively. Save time with automation.
