What the heck does that mean? Find out what your vet is talking about

by By Vetsource

4 min read

Before you go in for your pet’s next veterinary appointment, check out these terms that a veterinary professional might use and what they mean.


  • Brachycephalic — Greek for “short head”, refers to dogs with a “smooshed” face, such as pugs, Shih Tzus, or bulldogs
  • Carpus —wrist
  • Dewclaw — the extra digit on the upper, inner part of a paw
  • Hock —ankles
  • Pinna — external flap of the ear
  • Stifle — knees
  • Thorax — chest


  • Acute — an illness or condition that lasts for a short period of time
  • Ataxia — abnormal gait while running or walking
  • Benign — a condition or tumor/growth that is not cancerous
  • Cestodes — tapeworms
  • Chronic — an illness that is persisting for a long time
  • Congenital — a disease or condition that has been present since birth
  • Gestation — period of time an animal is pregnant (from conception to birth)
  • Incontinence — inability to control urination or defecation
  • Lethargy — unusual lack of energy (acting tired)
  • Malignant — cancerous tumors that tend to grow rapidly and can also spread to other parts of the body
  • Neoplasm — an abnormal growth of cells or tissues that can be benign or malignant
  • Pathogen — a bacteria or virus that can cause disease
  • Pica — an appetite for non-nutritional substances like paper, hair, or dirt
  • Septic, sepsis — refers to the body’s extreme response to an infection
  • Zoonoses, zoonotic — diseases that animals can pass to humans


  • Antiseptic — a substance applied to get rid of germs such as bacteria
  • dDx — differential diagnosis, which is a list of potential diagnoses that your pet may have, which are then narrowed down to determine the diagnosis
  • Dx — diagnosis, which is what the doctor thinks is going on with your pet
  • qX — every X amount of hours, for example “q8” is every 8 hours
  • Radiograph — X-ray image
  • Rx — prescriptions
  • SID/BID/TID/QID: once/twice/three times/four times a day
  • Sx — surgery
  • Tx — treatment or therapy, the recommended plan to heal your pet or maintain your pet’s health
  • UA — urinalysis, a laboratory test that uses a urine sample

Now that you’re familiar with these veterinary terms, you’ll be more prepared to communicate with veterinarians and better understand your pet’s health.



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