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Cornerstone 2-way integration

We’re here to assist you with integrating your practice information management system (PIMS). This is an important step and we need your help to complete the process.

We enhanced the way your practice management software connects to your home delivery data through our proprietary data tool, SyncVet. If you are currently using IDEXX Cornerstone®, please contact your account representative to initiate your integration.

Steps for integration


  1. Complete these steps in your Cornerstone software to prepare for 2-way integration.
    Our onboarding team will add you to IDEXX DataPoint’s integration request queue.
  2. You’ll receive an email from Vetsource confirming you’ve been added to the queue.
  3. Your practice’s primary contact person will receive an email from IDEXX DataPoint (from: [email protected]) within 48 hours.
  4. The primary contact person will be asked to provide information about your practice, designate a technical contact person (the person who will work with DataPoint to install the agent), and agree to DataPoint’s End-User-License-Agreement (EULA).
  5. Within 24 hours of completing this form and EULA request, DataPoint will contact your designated technical contact person to install the software.
  6. You’ll receive a final confirmation email from Vetsource when we begin receiving data.

Note: DataPoint cannot connect or reconnect to your server without assistance from the technical contact person.

Questions about how Vetsource uses your data? Read our privacy policy.

After installation

  • A copy of your client and patient list will appear in your Vetsource Prescription Management database approximately 1 week after the initial installation. Large databases (10,000+ clients) can take up to 2 weeks.
  • If you already have home delivery clients in your database, our system will automatically merge matching records.
  • New client and patient updates are copied over every 48-72 hours.

Automatic updates

When your database is integrated for the first time, the following client and patient information is copied into the Prescription Management database:

  • Client name, address, phone number, and email
  • Pet name, age, weight, and breed

Integration will only continuously update the following information in the Prescription Management database:

  • Complete information for any new client or patient
  • Pet weight change
  • Deceased status changes
  • Client email address

When an order for a prescription drug or diet has shipped, a line item will appear in your patient’s record in Cornerstone. It will look something like this:

screenshot of an order in Cornerstone

Note: Wedgewood Pharmacy orders for compounded medications are not eligible for writeback (the information for those orders cannot be copied into your PIMS).

Manual updates

Some updates are not automatic and require your input, including changes to a client’s name, address, and pet name.

  • Client name or address changes: Changes in your records do not necessarily reflect your clients’ preferences for receiving mail. Automatic updates to our system could cause shipping delays if the client has not updated their shipping address with the post office. Please confirm shipping names and addresses prior to submitting an order in ScriptRight. Your clients can also update their information by logging into their account or contacting our Pet Owner Care team at (877) 738-4443.
  • Pet name changes: To comply with federal pharmacy regulations, name changes must be performed manually by a staff member to provide a record that the pet is the same individual. If the pet has existing prescriptions, a new prescription must be written/entered under the new name.

What's next?

Vetsource is here to help your online pharmacy thrive! If you have any questions, please reach out to our Practice Support team at [email protected] or (877) 738-8883.